ALCERT is accredited as inspection body, Type A, according ISO/IEC 17020 standard requirements, Decision of Council of Ministers 1056/2015 and relevant harmonized standards as well as approved by the responsible Minister with identification number OM 023 to carry out:
A “thorough examination” means a systematic and detailed examination of the lift by an Approved Body aiming to improve the safety of the lift at an acceptable level, identification of serious risks which may request the immediate intervention as well as the identification of improvements which are needed to be done in order to increase its necessary safety level.
Thorough examination of lifts is mandatory for all lifts being installed and put into service for the first time before 31.12.2019.
The period between subsequent thorough examinations cannot exceed six (6) years for lifts installed in the workplace and ten (10) years for lifts installed in condominium or domestic residence.
“Periodical inspection” is the inspection by an Approved Body which includes a series of examinations and is intended to check the proper functioning of the safety features of the lift and detect any defects that develop during the use or misuse of the lift.
According to DCM 1056/2015, thorough examination of lifts is followed by periodical inspections.
The periodicity is every year when the lift is installed in condominium or domestic residence and every six (6) months when the lift is installed in the working place.
We carry out these inspections based on the Accreditation Certificate and approval by responsible Minister as an Approved Body with identification number OM 023, respecting the legislation and European/international standards requirements as well as with a very qualified and experienced staff.